Tuesday, January 9, 2024


I've gotten a few questions clarifying what the genres are that you can pick from for next week's assignment. Below are the genres that we will be discussing and annotating this semester. Everyone will be picking five. You do not have to know what books you are reading yet, just what genres. I suggest picking at least one or two that you are NOT familiar with as well as picking one genre that you know and love. All the books read in this class must be adult, the only time you can read a young adult novel is if you select the young adult genre. Also, if you are unsure what genre category your book is, feel free to email me. Sometimes it's hard to tell what genre a book is. For example, is Gone Girl a suspense or thriller? Spoiler, it's in the thriller genre :)

You have until next Sunday (Jan 21) to email me what your chosen genres are so you still have plenty of time to think about what to pick. You may want to "space out" your annotations, to even out your work-load this semester. You will be required to post your genre annotation in the week that we discuss that genre (I have included the timeline below). You may not want to over work yourself and pick two genres that we discuss within one week. For example, fantasy AND westerns are discussed in the same week and if you picked both genres you would have two annotations due in that same week. If you're cool with that, that is perfectly fine by me, just make sure you're giving yourself ample time to read and annotate your books.

Also, not all the genres below are actually “genres” – young adult and new adult are more of an age range than a genre and diverse reads certainly is not a genre. It’s so easy to read old white men (and again – that’s not a problem – they are prolific!), I just wanted to make sure that students had an opportunity to read authors that came from minoritized populations. I am not trying to “other” these authors or group them into a genre – you can find diverse reads in EVERY genre – I just wanted to make sure that they are not overlooked so I always set aside a week to highlight diversity in literature. 

If you have any questions feel free to comment below or email me. 

Suspense (week 3)
Thrillers (week 3)
Adventure (week 3) 
Horror (week 6)
Romance (week 6)
Mysteries (week 7) 
Science Fiction (week 7)  
Relationship Fiction (week 8) 
Gentle Reads (week 8)
Fantasy (week 11) 
Historical Fiction (week 11) 
Westerns (week 11)
Literary Fiction (week 12) 
Non-fiction (week 12) 
New Adult (week 13) 
Young Adult (week 13) 
Diverse Reads: Authors from Minoritized Population (week 14) 

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