Monday, January 22, 2024

Welcome to Week Three

Welcome to Week Three! I am really excited to read your Suspense, Thriller, and Adventure annotations.

Don't forget to check out all the readings in the syllabus for this week. Please review those and read your classmate's annotations and prompt responses. Feel free to start a discussion here, on your blog, or on a classmates blog about things you've noticed about this week's three genres (don't forget, participation is part of your grade!). We are all learning from each other here. Also, for clarification, for your class participation you can respond on 3 annotations OR prompt responses. You don't have to do 3 of each  - unless you want to ;).

Second – this week we are reviewing the tools of the trade. Quite possibly the most useful and popular tool is Novelist. This is a database that most public libraries subscribe to. IndyPL subscribes to Novelist, and with your IUPUI registration, you are eligible for an IndyPL card, but I know a lot of you don’t live anywhere near Indianapolis so it may not exactly feasible to get a card, but just know that you can!

If you are able to find Novelist in your library’s list of databases, there are plenty of tutorials on how to use it. Directly to the right of the search box should be a button that says “How to Use Novelist.” Also, above that are several tiny links, one of which is Help. That has also proven very useful to me. If your library does not have Novelist and you want to play around with it, let me know and I will give you access through my my library. It's worth playing around in!!

So, by the end of this week, please finish the assigned readings in the syllabus and I will need from you:

 1. Suspense, Thriller, and Adventure Annotations
 2. Prompt Response (I will post shortly)

*For the annotations, please don't wait until the very last minute to post them, we want to give your classmates time to read and comment on them. Please also remember that by the end of Week Four I will need to have your Secret Shopper Assignment! That one takes some planning so be looking ahead!


  1. I had no idea we had access to IndyPL! Do you know if this includes access to digital materials?

    1. I believe it does! I think you just need to show your student ID -!

    2. Wow. I wish I had known about the Indy PL library card sooner. How cool. I feel like a collector of library cards. I have a library card to the place I work and my home library already. Plus, I hold on the my 3 kids' library cards too.
      The Illinois Library Association's marketing roundtable had an hour long continuing education presentation last week about how library marketers without the MLIS need to know about Joyce Saricks. The whole thing was about readers' advisory on the fly and how everyone needs to know about it.
      My local library has the latest version of the Saricks book, and it seems to be available intermittently through ProQuest at IUPUI library.

    3. I love collecting library cards too! Joyce Saricks is a treasure - I'm glad she is still getting promoted!!
